Technical Services

Dammer Automation

The plants automation is performed accordino to the most modern technologies and by the use of the best products.
Process Automation, performed by DCS or PLC equipment with central Units able to manage the process logics as well as the controls; acquisition of signals / commands by means of centralized or decentralized periphery (field bus); use of cards for direct signals from and to classified areas (ATEX), for a lower probability of fault and a better diagnosis.

Human Interface, performed by the use of personal computer of leader manufacturer, configurated (set) for single stations as well as client / server systems, in local network in case of more stations; printer to obtain paper documentation; Software based on SCADA systems, with very high graphic performances for process visualization and main data recording.

The program allows:
> Overall and detail views od each component of the plant
> Automatic alarms emission, with history
> Introduction, protected by password of all operatine parameters
> Control of all process functions, protected by password
> Collection and analysis of the operating data

Remote Access for assistance related to the process and connections for software updating and maintenance
The connection is performed by DSL (via internet), or by modem, using specific programs for the station tele-control. In any case the system is proviided of all the safety devices necessary to prevent from undesired accesses.